Fixed Mean Value - Boundary Condition

Fixed Mean Value - Boundary Condition   Description

Fixed Mean Value is a boundary condition that enforces an average (mean) value for a specified quantity. Rather than prescribing individual point values at the boundary, it ensures that the integral of the field across the patch matches a user-defined mean. This means value can be set as a constant or allowed to vary over time.

Although Fixed Mean Value is conceptually similar to Fixed Value, it introduces significantly less flow distortion near the boundary. This is because Fixed Mean Value uses values from neighboring cells to extrapolate the field onto the patch, adjusting the distribution so that the overall average meets the specified target. As a result, the variable distribution near the boundary is more realistic and physically representative.

Fixed Mean Value - Boundary Condition   Understanding Fixed Mean Value

The advantage of Fixed Mean Value is easily illustrated using pipe flow as an example. When a Fixed Value condition is applied at the inlet, the velocity is enforced to be the same across the entire boundary, from the pipe’s center line to its walls. In reality, however, the flow’s core (near the pipe axis) should have a higher velocity than the regions closer to the wall.

Fixed Mean Value - Graphical Representation

Graphically, the above-mentioned example can be illustrated by comparing the inlet velocity profiles at the pipe inlet defined by Fixed Mean Value and Fixed Value - Figure 1.

Fixed Mean Value vs. Fixed Value Boundary Condition
Figure 1. Fixed Mean Value vs. Fixed Value Boundary Condition

The top sketch illustrates a realistic inlet velocity profile that varies along the boundary, while still being adjusted so that its average (represented by the dashed green line) matches the specified value. In contrast, the Fixed Value condition (shown in the lower sketch) prescribes a uniform velocity across the entire patch.

By using Fixed Mean Value, the inlet velocity profile is adjusted to a more realistic distribution, while still maintaining the prescribed mean velocity.

Fixed Mean Value - Boundary Condition   Application & Physical Interpretation

The Fixed Mean Value boundary condition enforces that the average value of a field (e.g., pressure or velocity) across a boundary patch remains constant at a specified mean. While individual values along the patch can vary, their integral average is constrained. This is useful when one wants to control the overall magnitude of a quantity at a boundary without prescribing its exact distribution.

This can represent conditions where the integral (or net) effect is known—such as total mass flow, total heat flux, or average pressure—without having detailed knowledge (or a constraint) on the precise local pattern. Instead, the numerical solution determines the local variations, consistent with the overall boundary value imposed and the rest of the flow field.

Fixed Mean Value in Aerodynamics applications

Example applications: wind tunnel experiment

This problem can be solved by using simpleFoam (solver). When the bulk velocity is known at the inlet but not the exact profile, Fixed Mean Value ensures the net bulk velocity matches experimental data, while letting the simulation’s turbulence model and solver redistribute the velocity along the inlet patch to achieve a realistic flow pattern.

Example Boundary Conditions set for Aerodynamics applications


Fixed Mean Value

Zero Gradient

Fixed Mean Value - Boundary Condition   Fixed Mean Value in SimFlow

The definition of boundary conditions in SimFlow is both simple and intuitive. To specify the Fixed Mean Value boundary condition, the user must navigate to the Boundary Conditions panel, select the appropriate boundary, and choose the correct option from the drop-down menu.

Fixed Mean Value can be defined as a constant value where a specified filed (scalar or vector) is not changing in time - Figure 2.

Fixed Mean Value Boundary Condition SimFlow - constant value
Figure 2. Fixed Mean Value boundary condition as a Constant in SimFlow

Alternatively, the User can switch to table, where time-dependent value can be defined - Figure 3.

Fixed Mean Value Boundary Condition SimFlow - time-dependent value
Figure 3. Fixed Mean Value boundary condition as a Time-Dependent in SimFlow

Fixed Mean Value - Boundary Condition   Fixed Mean Value - Alternatives

In this section, we propose boundary conditions that are alternative to Fixed Mean Value. While they may fulfill similar purposes, they might be better suited for a specific application and provide a better approximation of physical world conditions.

Boundary ConditionDescription

Fixed Value

fixed value on the patch

Uniform Fixed Value

uniform value on the patch, which vary over time

Surface Normal Fixed Value

Surface Normal Fixed Value