Flow Rate Outlet Velocity - Boundary Condition

Flow Rate Outlet Velocity - Boundary Condition   Description

The Flow Rate Outlet Velocity boundary condition is designed for patches where fluid exits the computational domain. Its primary purpose is to ensure that a specified mass flow rate or volumetric flow rate is maintained at the boundary. In simpler terms, it adjusts the velocity profile on the patch to match the target flow rate provided.

Flow Rate Outlet Velocity - Boundary Condition   Understanding Flow Rate Outlet Velocity

The boundary condition can be applied for both incompressible and compressible flows. When applied for incompressible flows, the flow rate is the volumetric expressed in [\(\frac{m^3}{s}\)]. When applied for compressible flows, the flow rate is mass-based in [\(\frac{kg}{s}\)]. The user specifies a desired total flow rate. The condition ensures that the integral of the velocity normal component over the patch area matches that prescribed rate.

Although a total flow rate is specified, the local velocity profile is not specified strictly by the user. The solver will determine how the velocity is distributed spatially across the boundary to meet the total prescribed outflow.

Flow Rate Outlet Velocity can be defined as a constant or time-dependent value. Time-dependent values are defined in the form of the table.

The Flow Rate Outlet Velocity boundary condition functions similarly to Flow Rate Inlet Velocity, but with one crucial difference: it applies the specified flow rate at the outlet rather than the inlet of the domain. While Flow Rate Inlet Velocity controls the flow rate of fluid entering the simulation, Flow Rate Outlet Velocity ensures that the specified flow rate is maintained as fluid exits the domain. This distinction becomes particularly significant when the Extrapolate Profile option is enabled, as the flow rate is adjusted based on upstream conditions (for outlet flow rate control) or downstream conditions (for inlet flow rate control).

Flow Rate Outlet Velocity - Boundary Condition   Application & Physical Interpretation

The Flow Rate Outlet Velocity boundary condition ensures that a specified flow rate exits through an outlet patch. Instead of imposing a fixed local velocity profile, it adjusts the distribution to ensure that the total integrated mass or volumetric flow matches the target value. This approach represents physical scenarios where the total outflow—such as through a vent, exhaust duct, or downstream boundary—is known. However, the precise local velocity pattern is determined by the internal flow field and the solver’s balance of momentum and pressure.

Flow Rate Outlet Velocity in HVAC applications

These types of simulations can be solved using the buoyantSimpleFoam (solver). The physical scenario assumes that in certain conditions, the amount of gas leaving, for example, the ventilation system is known. In such a situation, the velocity at the outlet can be specified through flow rate (mass or volumetric) by Flow Rate Outlet Velocity.

Example Boundary Conditions set for HVAC applications

Velocity Outlet (Mass Flux)

Zero Gradient

Flow Rate Outlet Velocity

Flow Rate Outlet Velocity in Multiphase (VoF) applications

These types of simulations can be solved using the interFoam (solver). Flow Rate Outlet Velocity can be used in controlling the water flow in open channels, where exactly the inlet and outlet can be specified by prescribing the volumetric flow rate.

Example Boundary Conditions set for Multiphase (VoF) applications

Velocity Outlet (Volumetric Flux)

Zero Gradient

Flow Rate Outlet Velocity

Velocity Inlet (Volumetric Flux)

Zero Gradient

Flow Rate Inlet Velocity

Flow Rate Outlet Velocity - Boundary Condition   Flow Rate Outlet Velocity in SimFlow

The definition of boundary conditions in SimFlow is both simple and intuitive. To specify the Flow Rate Outlet Velocity boundary condition, the user must navigate to the Boundary Conditions panel, select the appropriate boundary, and choose the correct option from the drop-down menu.

Flow Rate Outlet Velocity can be defined as a constant value where a specified filed (scalar or vector) is not changing in time - Figure 1.

Flow Rate Outlet Velocity Boundary Condition SimFlow - constant value
Figure 1. Flow Rate Outlet Velocity boundary condition as a Constant in SimFlow

Alternatively, the User can switch to table, where time-dependent value can be defined - Figure 2.

Flow Rate Outlet Velocity Boundary Condition SimFlow - time-dependent value
Figure 2. Flow Rate Outlet Velocity boundary condition as a Time-Dependent in SimFlow

User needs to define:
Flow Rate - either constant or time-dependent (in the form of a table) [\((kg)/s\)] or [\((m^3)/s\)]

Flow Rate Outlet Velocity - Boundary Condition   Flow Rate Outlet Velocity - Alternatives

In this section, we propose boundary conditions that are alternative to Flow Rate Outlet Velocity. While they may fulfill similar purposes, they might be better suited for a specific application and provide a better approximation of physical world conditions.

Boundary ConditionDescription

Flow Rate Inlet Velocity

fixes the volumetric or mass flow rate at the inlet of the domain

Fixed Value

fixed value on the patch, constant over time

Uniform Fixed Value

uniform value on the patch, which vary over time