No-Slip - Boundary Condition

No-Slip - Boundary Condition   Description

No-Slip boundary condition postulates that the velocity of the fluid layer directly in contact with the boundary is equal to the velocity of the boundary itself. As a result, there is no relative movement between the boundary and this fluid layer, leading to the absence of slip at the boundary.

No-Slip sets the velocity of the fluid at the wall to be equal to the velocity of the wall itself, typically zero, meaning the fluid sticks to the wall with no relative motion between the fluid and the surface. This condition is essential for accurately modeling the behavior of fluids near solid boundaries, ensuring that the shear stress and velocity gradients are correctly represented in the simulation.

No-Slip - Boundary Condition   Understanding No-Slip

The physical explanation behind this boundary condition is that particles in proximity to a surface experience limited motion relative to the flow when adhesion outweighs cohesion. This occurs at the fluid-solid interface, where the adhesive forces between fluid particles and solid particles dominate over cohesive forces among fluid particles.

As a consequence of this force disparity, the fluid velocity diminishes to zero. The No-Slip boundary condition is applicable only in scenarios of viscous flows, and when the continuum concept is applicable.

To define No-Slip boundary for a stationary wall, the velocity components must be set to 0. The alternative way is by using the Fixed Value boundary condition and manually setting all velocity components to 0.

No-Slip can also be applied for moving walls. In this case, the relative velocity must be considered, ensuring that the velocity of the wall and the fluid are the same.

In contrast to No-Slip, which sets the fluid velocity to zero at the boundary, Slip enforces a zero mass flux through the wall. This is achieved by mathematically ensuring that the normal velocity gradient (perpendicular to the wall) is set to zero, along with a zero gradient for the tangential component.

Graphically, these two conditions can be represented as in Figure 1.

No slip vs. Slip boundary condition
Figure 1. No slip vs. Slip boundary condition

No-Slip - Boundary Condition   Application & Physical Interpretation

The No-Slip is one of the most commonly used boundary conditions for wall boundaries. It fixes the fluid velocity to zero on the walls. It is important for any viscous flow to correctly determine drag and lift, energy dissipation, turbulence and many other physical properties. Below are a few examples demonstrating how this boundary condition can be used and how to correctly interpret its meaning.

No-Slip in Aerodynamics applications

Example applications: flow over solid surfaces and external aerodynamics

These types of simulations can be solved using the simpleFoam (solver) This solver has two basic independent variables: pressure and velocity. Additionally, turbulence-related variables can be defined. The No-Slip can be applied to the wall boundaries to represent solid surfaces, such as wing of the airplane.

Example Boundary Conditions set for Aerodynamics applications


Zero Gradient

Fixed Value

Wing surface

Zero Gradient



Fixed Value

Inlet Outlet

Example usage of No-Slip for Aerodynamics applications in SimFlow

Airfoil (NAC 0012)

SimFlow automatically sets No-Slip on the walls when the given patch is defined as wall in MESH section

No-Slip in Heat Transfer applications

Example applications: heat exchangers

These types of simulations can be solved using the chtMultiRegionFoam (solver). The solver is able to solve heat transfer between fluid and solids.

Example Boundary Conditions set for Heat Transfer applications


Fixed Flux Pressure

Fixed Value

Fixed Value

Heat Exchanger Wall

Zero Gradient


Zero Gradient


Fixed Value

Inlet Outlet

Inlet Outlet

Example usage of No-Slip for Heat Transfer applications in SimFlow

Heat Exchanger

SimFlow automatically sets No-Slip on the walls when the given patch is defined as wall in MESH section

No-Slip - Boundary Condition   No-Slip in SimFlow

SimFlow supports the User in definition of boundary condition. When a domain boundary is marked as Wall type in MESH panel, it is automatically assignes as No-Slip - Figure 2.

No-Slip boundary condition in SimFlow
Figure 2. No-Slip boundary condition in SimFlow

No-Slip - Boundary Condition   No-Slip - Alternatives

In this section, we propose boundary conditions that are alternative to No-Slip. While they may fulfill similar purposes, they might be better suited for a specific application and provide a better approximation of physical world conditions.

Boundary ConditionDescription

Fixed Value

setting all velocity components to zero gives the same results as No-Slip


enforces a zero-mass flux through the wall. This is achieved by defining the normal velocity gradient as zero, along with a zero gradient for the tangential component.