
Geometry panel allows users to add, delete and manipulate geometry.


Mesh Panel gives the access to options for modifying and manipulating meshes. Here one can modify mesh regions, boundaries and cell zones in the mesh.

Hex Meshing

In the Hex Meshing panel, the finite volume mesh is created based on the provided geometry.


In certain situations it is useful to import mesh generated by the external software. Options for importing meshes are available in the Import panel.


SimFlow has a special Airfoil mesh generator that can be used to easily create mesh around an airfoil. This mesh we can use to conduct a 2D simulation.


In the Setup panel, you have to select a solver for your simulation. A solver is a set of predefined models that can be used to simulate the particular phenomena you are interested in.

Dynamic Mesh

In the Dynamic Mesh panel, you can define models for moving and deforming your mesh.

Discrete Phase

The Discrete Phase panel defines models used for Lagrangian particle tracking approach.


The Combustion panel defines models related to species transport and combustion.


In the Radiation panel, one can define settings related to radiation modelling.


In the Thermo panel, you can define thermophysical properties of your material. In contrast to the Transport Properties panel, here you define material properties for compressible flow solvers.


The panel used for modeling an incompressible flow field in a single rotating frame.


In the Turbulence panel you can enable turbulence models appropriate for your simulation.

Transport Properties

In the Transport Properties panel, you can define transport properties for materials used in incompressible simulations.


In the Solution panel one can define various aspects related to the actual solution process.


The Discretization panel defines discretization schemes used in the simulation.

Passive Scalars

The Passive Scalars model is appropriate in some situations when the transport of some species in the flow i.e. simulate contamination in the water must be monitored.

Operating Conditions

In the Operating Conditions panel one can define various reference values. The content of this panel depend on the OpenFOAM version being used and the solver that is currently selected.

Cell Zones

Cell Zones panel allows assigning certain properties of the model to a specific location in the mesh.

Boundary Conditions

In this panel, you can define boundary conditions of your simulation. You need to define conditions for each boundary of your mesh as well as for each of the fields of the simulation.

Initial Conditions

The Initial Conditions panel defines conditions at the beginning of the simulation (usually denoted by time 0).


In the Monitors panel, one can enable additional quantities which should be computed and displayed during the computation. These data should help in assessing whether your model is being solved properly.


The Run panel starts the actual simulation. This panel you can define inputs for parameters of the execution process, start or reset the actual simulation.


In the Postprocessing panel you can have access to external tools that allow you to perform postprocessing of your simulation results.


Calculate panel allows you to perform basic postprocessing calculations.


In the Parameters panel the user can define named parameters that can be used in various aspects of the simulation setup, e.g. you can create parametric meshes or boundary conditions.


The Summary Panel displays basic information for a general overview of your simulation setup.