
In the Setup panel, you have to select a solver for your simulation. A solver is a set of predefined models that can be used to simulate the particular phenomena you are interested in. Each solver is specialized for a particular class of simulations. When you select a solver, a specific set of configuration options will be displayed in the navigation tree on the left-hand side.
Solver Filters

There is a large number of specialised solver available. In order to simplify solver selection, a set of filters is available. These filters allow you to specify which models you are interested in, which will reduce the number of available solvers. There are three main categories of filters:
- Time
- Flow
- Models
Note: Use of filters is optional, you can simply select solvers directly from the list if you find it more convenient.
Time Filters

The Time filters allow you to specify whether you need a steady-state or transient solver.
Flow Filters

The Flow filters allow you to specify whether you need a solver for incompressible or compressible flow.
Model Filters

The Models set of filters allow you to specify which models are required for your simulation. It is possible that no solvers will be available for certain combinations of models.
Solver Setup

To configure SimFlow for the solver you want to use for your simulation, you need to select it from the list of Available Solvers . When a solver is selected in the list, the Select button will become active. When you click the button, SimFlow will be configured to use the selected solver and a new set of options will be displayed in the program tree.
Solver Description

When you select a solver in the Available Solvers list, a short description of the solver will be displayed next to the solver name. If you are familiar with the solvers and do not need this messages anymore, you can disable displaying these descriptions by clicking the Show Solver Description button.
In certain situations, some solvers can be unselectable. In those cases, the solver description will contain additional information on why this particular solver cannot be used.