SimFlow (OpenFOAM) - CFD Solvers

SimFlow (OpenFOAM) Solvers Solver

SimFlow is utilizing the OpenFOAM solvers. In this approach, user needs to choose a specialized solver suited to their specific problems, as there is no universal solver available for every application. A solver is defined as an application designed to solve a specific set of equations representing a particular phenomenon, utilizing integrated tools.

Below, you will find a detailed comparison of solvers within each group.

SimFlow (OpenFOAM) Solvers Incompressible Solvers

Incompressible Solvers In this group, we have included single-phase, pressure-based solvers for low-speed flows with negligible variations in density, applicable for external and internal aerodynamics (Ma < 0.3) and hydrodynamics. These solvers use incompressibility features for stability and robustness.

Incompressible, Stedy-State - Main Solvers

Incompressible, Transient - Main Solvers

Incompressible, Transient - Simplified Solvers*

  • pisoFoam transient, PISO** algorithm
  • icoFoam transient, PISO** algorithm, laminar flows only (no turbulence), Newtonian fluids only
  • * Dedicated solvers for simplified scenarios, improve stability and computational efficiency
  • ** The PISO algorithm is used for cases with a small Courant number Co < 1
  • DyM - Dynamic Mesh
  • MRF - Multiple Reference Frame
  • SRF - Single Reference Frame
  • Overset - also known as Chimera Grid (Method)
  • SIMPLE - Semi-Implicit Method for Pressure-Linked Equations
  • PIMPLE - merged PISO and SIMPLE
  • PISO - Pressure-Implicit Split-Operator

SimFlow (OpenFOAM) Solvers Compressible Solvers

Compressible Solvers In this group, we have included single-phase, pressure and density-based solvers that can handle flows with significant variations in density, mostly applicable for and high-speed aerodynamics (Ma > 0.3)

Subsonic / Transonic, Steady-State, Ma < 1

Subsonic / Transonic, Transient, Ma < 1

Transonic / Supersonic, Pressure-Based, Ma > 1

Transonic / Supersonic, Density-Based, Ma > 1

  • Ma - Mach Number
  • DyM - Dynamic Mesh
  • Overset - also known as Chimera Grid (Method)

SimFlow (OpenFOAM) Solvers Heat Transfer Solvers

Heat Transfer Solvers In this group, we have included solvers that are designed to model: Heat Transfer, Radiation, Natural and Forced Convection, Conjugate Heat Transfer (CHT).

Heat Transfer, Single Fluid

Heat Transfer, Single Fluid - Boussinesq

Heat Transfer, Single Solid

CHT, Multiple Fluids / Solids

  • CHT - Conjugate Heat Transfer
  • MRF - Multiple Reference Frame
  • Overset - also known as Chimera Grid (Method)

SimFlow (OpenFOAM) Solvers Multiphase - Free Surface (VoF) Solvers

Free Surface (VoF) Solvers In this group, we have included solvers implementing Volume of Fluid (VoF) approach to handle multiple immiscible and miscible fluids and interactions between them.

Free Surface (VoF) - Immiscible

Free Surface (VoF) - Miscible

  • * isoAdvector - an alternative approach for interface capturing, MULES method used in other VoF solvers
  • ** Solver designed to handle mixtures consisting of multiple fluids within the same phase, such as two gases or two liquids
  • VoF - Volume of Fluid
  • DyM - Dynamic Mesh
  • Overset - also known as Chimera Grid (Method)

SimFlow (OpenFOAM) Solvers Multiphase - Phase Change Solvers

Phase Change Solvers In this group, we have included solvers implementing Phase Change models to handle cavitation, and surface evaporation/condensation (liquid and its vapor phases).

Phase Change - Cavitation

  • cavitatingFoam 2 immiscible fluids, dedicated to cavitation, Homogeneous Equilibrium Model (HEM)
  • interPhaseChangeFoam 2 immiscible fluids, dedicated to cavitation, VoF, Phase Change Models: Schnerr-Sauer, Merkle, Kunz

Phase Change - Condensation / Evaporation

  • VoF - Volume of Fluid
  • DyM - Dynamic Mesh
  • Overset - also known as Chimera Grid (Method)

SimFlow (OpenFOAM) Solvers Multiphase - Dispersed Solvers

Dispersed Solvers In this group, we have included solvers implementing the Eulerian or Lagrangian approach to handle multiple fluids and particle clouds considering Dispersed Phases or Fluid-Particle interactions.

Dispersed - Euler

Dispersed - Lagrangian

  • DPMFoam 1 fluid and particles, particle-particle interactions resolved explicitly (direct approach)
  • MPPICFoam 1 fluid and particles, dense particle cloud using particle-particle interactions model (simplified approach, MP-PIC method)
  • MPPICInterFoam 2 immiscible fluids and particles, dense particle cloud using particle-particle interactions model (simplified approach, MP-PIC method)
  • DPMDyMFoam extension of DPMFoam with DyM
  • MPPICDyMFoam extension of MPPICFoam with DyM

Dispersed - Drift-Flux

  • driftFluxFoam 1 fluid and slurry or plastic dispersed phase, drift flux approximation for relative phase motion
  • DPM - Discrete Phase Model
  • MP-PIC - multiphase particle-in-cell method
  • DyM - Dynamic Mesh

SimFlow (OpenFOAM) Solvers Species & Reactions Solvers

Species & Reactions Solvers In this group, we have included compressible (pressure-based) solvers that can be used to simulate: Species Transport, Multicomponent Gas Mixtures, Chemical Reactions, Combustion.



  • sprayFoam transient, liquid particles only, dedicated to fuel spray combustion
  • sprayDyMFoam extension of sprayFoam with DyM



  • * All solvers in this group are transient
  • DyM - Dynamic Mesh