compressibleInterDyMFoam - OpenFOAM Solver

Solver: compressibleInterDyMFoam   Description

compressibleInterDyMFoam is a solver designed for transient simulations of two compressible, non-isothermal, and immiscible fluids. It is based on compressibleInterFoam but extends its capabilities with handling dynamic meshes. The solver is capable of handling both laminar and turbulent fluid flows. Using the Volume of Fluid (VoF) method, it accurately tracks the interface between distinct fluids.

The solver uses the PIMPLE (merged PISO-SIMPLE) algorithm for pressure-momentum coupling. This algorithm combines the strengths of both the PISO and SIMPLE methods for pressure-velocity coupling, ensuring it can robustly manage transient flows over large time steps. This approach is supplemented by under-relaxation techniques to secure convergence stability. It supports Multiple Reference Frames (MRF) and porosity modeling and allows easy integration of passive scalar transport equations and source terms.

This solver is especially useful in scenarios where fluid compressibility and hydrodynamic forces are critical. In the marine industry, it excels in simulating high-speed or acute-angle water entries of ships. While the initial impact is often well-predicted by interFoam, compressibility must be taken into account for accurately modeling the air cavity formation beneath the ship during later stages of water entry. In the aerospace sector, it finds application in modeling the sea landings of space vehicles.

Solver: compressibleInterDyMFoam   Features

  • Transient
  • Compressible
  • Multiphase - Volume of Fluid (VoF)
  • 2 Immiscible Fluids
  • Heat Transfer
  • Dynamic Mesh Motion
  • Laminar and Turbulent (RANS, LES, DES)
  • Equation of State Models
  • Pressure-Based Solver
  • Rotating Objects:
    • Multiple Reference Frames (MRF)
    • Rotating Mesh Motion
  • Passive Scalar
  • Porosity Modeling
  • Heat Source (temperature source therm)
  • Buoyancy
  • Source Term (explicit/implicit)
  • PIMPLE Algorithm
  • MULES Algorithm
  • Solution Limiters:
    • Velocity Damping

Solver: compressibleInterDyMFoam   Application

Marine Industry

  • Slamming of High-Speed Ships
  • RHydrodynamic Loads on Surfaces of Ships and Offshore Structures

Aerospace Industry

  • Sea Surface Landing of Space Vehicles

Military Industry

  • Missiles Entering Water at High Speed

Solver: compressibleInterDyMFoam   Multiphase - Free Surface (VoF) Solvers

Free Surface (VoF) Solvers In this group, we have included solvers implementing Volume of Fluid (VoF) approach to handle multiple immiscible and miscible fluids and interactions between them.

Free Surface (VoF) - Immiscible

Free Surface (VoF) - Miscible

  • * isoAdvector - an alternative approach for interface capturing, MULES method used in other VoF solvers
  • ** Solver designed to handle mixtures consisting of multiple fluids within the same phase, such as two gases or two liquids
  • VoF - Volume of Fluid
  • DyM - Dynamic Mesh
  • Overset - also known as Chimera Grid (Method)

Solver: compressibleInterDyMFoam   Results Fields

This solver provides the following results fields:

  • Primary Results Fields - quantities produced by the solver as default outputs
  • Derivative Results - quantities that can be computed based on primary results and supplementary models. They are not initially produced by the solver as default outputs.

Primary Results Fields


\(U\) [\(\frac{m}{s}\)]


\(T\) [\(K\)]

Phase Volume Fraction

\(\alpha\) [\(-\)]


\(p\) [\(Pa\)]

Hydrostatic Perturbation Pressure

\(p - \rho gh\) [\(Pa\)]

Derivative Results


\(\rho\) [\(\frac{kg}{m^{3}}\)]


\(\omega\) [\(\frac{1}{s}\)]

Mach Number

\(Ma\) [\(-\)]

Courant Number

\(Co\) [\(-\)]

Peclet Number

\(Pe\) [\(-\)]

Stream Function

\(\psi\) [\(\frac{m^2}{s}\)]

Q Criterion

\(Q\) [\(-\)]

Wall Functions (for RANS/LES turbulence)

\(y^+\) [\(-\)]

Wall Shear Stress

\(WSS\) [\(Pa\)]

Wall Heat Flux

\(\phi_q\) [\(W/m^2\)]

Turbulent Fields (for RANS/LES turbulence)

\(k\) \(\epsilon\) \(\omega\) \(R\) \(L\) \(I\) \(\nu_t\) \(\alpha_t\)

Volumetric Stream

\(\phi\) [\(\frac{m^{3}}{s}\)]

Passive Scalar

\(scalar_i\) [\(-\)]

Forces and Torque acting on the Boundary

\(F\) [\(N\)] \(M\) [\(-\)]

Force Coefficients

\(C_l\) [\(-\)] \(C_d\) [\(-\)] \(C_m\) [\(-\)]

Average, Minimum or Maximum in Volume from any Result Field

\(Avg\) \(Min\) \(Max\)