Solver: Comparison Compressible Solvers
Compressible Solvers In this group, we have included single-phase, pressure and density-based solvers that can handle flows with significant variations in density, mostly applicable for and high-speed aerodynamics (Ma > 0.3)
Subsonic / Transonic, Steady-State, Ma < 1
- rhoSimpleFoam steady-state, pressure-based, small density changes
- overRhoSimpleFoam extension of rhoSimpleFoam with Overset
Subsonic / Transonic, Transient, Ma < 1
- rhoPimpleFoam transient, pressure-based, small density changes, DyM
- overRhoPimpleDyMFoam extension of rhoPimpleFoam with Overset, DyM
Transonic / Supersonic, Pressure-Based, Ma > 1
- sonicFoam transient, pressure-based, shock waves
- sonicDyMFoam extension of sonicFoam with DyM
Transonic / Supersonic, Density-Based, Ma > 1
- rhoCentralFoam transient, density-based, shock waves
- rhoCentralDyMFoam extension of rhoCentralFoam with DyM
- Ma - Mach Number
- DyM - Dynamic Mesh
- Overset - also known as Chimera Grid (Method)
Additionally, these solvers support:
- Different fluid models using various equations of state, such as perfect gas or constant density
- RANS/LES turbulence models
- Porosity and MRF models (except rhoCentralFoam)
- Heat Transfer capabilities
- Passive scalar
- Custom source term (except rhoCentralFoam)